Saturday, May 14, 2005

"This iDeskoid idea just may be crazy enough to work"; a direct quote from a prominent tech industry executive whom wishes to remain anonymous.
"This is the all-In-One PC that makes other so-called All-In-One PC before it seemed rather incomplete"; a quote extracted from the tips of million users's tongues whom once thought that All-In-One PC is an impressive technological "breakthrough".

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Progress update: I have consigned the task of building the iDeskoid prototype to a leading industrial design firm in Taiwan. The actual physical "functional" prototype will be available some time before the end of May 2005. Please stand by. In the mean time, I am unable to excuse myself for not attending this year. But to attend such event without a physical prototype may be an exerise in futility. Well, may be next time.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

My funny iDeskoid Robotic PC

Sweet, comic iDeskoid Robotic PC;
You make everybody smile with their hearts.

Your looks are laughable;
Robotic photographable;
Yet, you're my favorite work of art.

Is your owner - a hopeless geek?
Is your battery - a little weak?
When you open it will it leak?, are you smart?

Don't change no shape for me;
Not if you care for me;
Stay, little iDeskoid, stay!
Each day is iDeskoid's day.